Plantics innovations on the EU’s CORDIS platform

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CORDIS, the European Commission’s Community Research and Development Information Service, publishes information on projects funded by the EU’s Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation. On their online platform you can keep up to date with the various initiatives and read about completed projects and their results.

This includes two successful projects in which Plantics has been the key player. The ‘PlanticsInside’ project for the development of biogradable plant pots. And ‘SWOP’, a project to develop a circular green alternative to toxic industrial adhesives in wood paneling.

The PlanticsInside project, that has received funding from the European Union aims to replace plastic plant pots with a biodegradable alternative, as billions of plant pots end up as waste each year.

As you can read on the CORDIS platform, ‘PlanticsInside’ is well underway and has led to the creation of the ‘Dopa’ brand (plant-based plant pots). Plantics project manager Geert Noordzij has contributed tot the CORDIS article with an number of explanatory notes.

Dopa plant pot

Once planted, a Dopa plant pot dissolves into the soil

DOPA plant-based plant pot

Learn more on YouTube

SWOP project
The EU-funded SWOP project aims to revolutionize the wood panel industry with the first 100% bio-based and circular thermoset resin to bind materials and ensure structural integrity. This resin replaces traditional formaldehyde-based polymer glue, which is fossil based,  toxic and impossible to recycle. One of the most interesting properties of our bio-resin is that it can be reactivated and reused as a binder,” explains Bakker. “This is the ‘holy grail’ for the wood industry, as it is the enabler for full circularity of this industry.” The Plantics resin can be reactivated again and again, which results in ‘new ending’ panels.

Plantics proof of concept: wood based panels with bio polymer as binding material

As you can read on the CORDIS platform, the SWOP project has led to a breakthrough. As Wridzer Bakker, CEO of Plantics explains: “Thanks to the SWOP project, we were able to overcome the biggest technical difficulties and get our resin ready for the market launch in the wood-based panel industry.

Learn more on YouTube

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